Mediasite Migration to Panopto
Access Migrated Mediasite Videos in Panopto
Mediasite content was migrated/moved to Panopto for all instructors. To check whether your Mediasite videos are in your Panopto account follow these steps:
- Login to Panopto at Links to an external site.
- Your Panopto account will show the “My Folder” area.
- Look for the “Mediasite Content – [saclink username]” folder and open it.
- Within this folder will be the videos from your Mediasite account.
- Review to make sure all are there.
Mediasite videos that were embedded in Canvas courses using the Panopto integration from the Rich Content Editor found in Pages, Discussions, Assignments and Quizzes, should automatically update to the appropriate Panopto video file by August 15. There shouldn’t be any steps to relink or re-embed videos in your Canvas courses.
Convert Videos from Mediasite and Upload to Panopto
There are two main steps to get your videos from Mediasite to Panopto. IRT will download, convert and upload some videos for faculty. If you need to use your videos in Panopto before the process from IRT is complete, then follow the steps below.
- Download your videos from Mediasite to your computer.
- Upload your videos to Panopto from your computer.
How to Download Videos From Mediasite
This is a video by video process. There are two download options: Publish to Go and Vodcast. The Publish to Go option downloads separate video files as MP4s and all associated Mediasite files, which is good for video editing on your own computer. The Vodcast option is a single MP4 file that combines both video feeds (if two exist) into one video showing in the Mediasite format, but it does not allow for the same video interactivity.
Follow the steps below to download a specific video from Mediasite - see also the complete Mediasite Video Download Instructions Download Mediasite Video Download Instructions (PDF).
- Go to My Mediasite ( Links to an external site.).
- Click the title of the video.
- Click “Download to Computer”.
- Click “Create Publish to Go”
- Wait for the download package to be created, so check back later and click “Download to Computer” again.
- Click “Download Publish to Go”.
- Save the compressed (zip) file onto your computer. You need to extract (unzip) the file to view the individual video files in the complete zip file. The video files can be found under the Content folder within the folder name you chose when you unzipped the downloaded file.
How to Upload Videos to Panopto
To upload your videos to Panopto, follow the steps below.
- Login to the Panopto external website
Links to an external site..
If prompted to sign in, then select the Canvas (CSUS SSO) option and login with your Sac State ID and password. - Click the My Folder link in the left navigation.
- Click the Add Folder button to create a folder for your course (e.g. EDUC 100A) of subject area of the video.
- Enter the title of the folder in the box and press Enter or Return on the keyboard.
- Click the title of the new folder to go into that folder.
- Follow the steps in the document How To Change A Folder Share Option (pdf) so you can share/embed videos with students in your courses without the students seeing the complete list of videos in your account folder.
- Follow the steps in the How to Upload Video Files
Links to an external site. from Panopto using the Create button.
- After uploading your video, then you are ready for How to Embed Videos in Canvas.
Additional Resources
<< Return to Panopto - Resources, Video Uploading and Storage
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