Getting Started: Assignments, Grading, & Quizzes


Teaching with Canvas tools (continued)

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Using Assignments

For those of you coming from Oncourse, a very important thing to note about Assignments in Canvas is that Assignments generate the grade book.  To create a gradebook item you create an assignment and Canvas then automatically creates a place in the grade book for that assignment. Setting points/percentages, weighting grades Links to an external site., dropping the lowest grade Links to an external site., etc. is all done in the Assignments Tool.  The Grades Tool Links to an external site. reflects the settings you set in Assignments.

TIP: When you publish an assignment it will appear in the assignment list at the bottom of the Syllabus page. If you don't want students to see the assignment yet set an "available from" date in the Assignment settings.

Canvas Guide on Assignments Links to an external site. and Assignments Video Script Links to an external site.

Grading Assignments with SpeedGrader

SpeedGrader is a tool that allows you to rapidly move through assignments, grading and leaving comments (including comments directly on the submitted document).  You can use it to grade assignments, including those with Rubrics Links to an external site., in many different formats including MS Word docs, PDFs, Excel sheets, PowerPoint files, and video

TIP: Before you start grading in SpeedGrader, click the "Mute Assignment" link at the top right so that students will not see their grades and feedback until you have completed the grading for the class and "unmuted" the assignment.

Canvas Guide for SpeedGrader Links to an external site. and SpeedGrader Overview Script. Links to an external site.

Using Quizzes

The Quizzes Tool is for quizzes, tests, surveys, and knowledge checks Links to an external site..  You can build question banks Links to an external site. for your quizzes and use them in multiple courses.  

There are two videos for Quizzes, one on quiz settings and one on quiz questions

Canvas Guide on Quiz Settings Links to an external site. and Quiz Creation: Settings Video Script Links to an external site.

Canvas Guide on Quiz Questions Links to an external site. (this is a link to a list of links for each question type) and Quiz Creation: Questions Video Script Links to an external site.